Columbus Heat is is dedicated in providing opportunities for Columbus boys to further their basketball skills. The Heat and Columbus East Basketball in a joint venture provides travel basketball teams from grades 1st - 7th grade.
Please Check us out on Facebook for the most updated information on Heat Basketball.
1st - 7th Grade. We will try to have two teams in each grade level pending number of players that try out and number of Coaches.
Tryouts - September
Check facebook for exact dates.
Practice: Weeknight
Games: Sunday
Most practices will be at Columbus East High School
Games are played in the Indiana Ball League. Most games will be on the south side of Indy
EST: $300
Includes cost of League Fees, Program Insurance, Team Uniform, Team Shooting Shirts, and Open Workouts.
We are always looking for coaches who are interested in coaching for the upcoming season. Please message us on Facebook if you are interested or want more information.